This registration session will allow you to sign up for participation, complete contact information, submit any forms and waivers for new players, as well as pay online the $100.00 tryout fee, which is required of all players trying out for this upcoming season.
Note: Any past due balances must be paid before tryouts begin. Players will not be allowed to tryout unless dues/fees remaining from prior years paid in full.
Check your work! Prior to finalizing and submitting your registration, please review each entry to ensure that all SportsEngine-related fields have been pulled from your user account properly and/or that all information submitted is correct.
Thank you!
CCVHC participates in the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Hockey League (“PIHL”) and will conduct tryouts at Alpha Ice Complex in Harmarville, PA.
This tryout registration is for prospective CCVHC VARSITY / JUNIOR VARSITY players ONLY. (Tryout registration for the CCVHC Middle School/Bantam team will open at the conclusion of the high school tryouts.) To be eligible to play on CCVHC's junior varsity or varsity team(s), players must be enrolled in Central Catholic High School and must be entering grades 9 through 12 for the upcoming school year.
After tryout registration, please check the Central Catholic Vikings Hockey website frequently. Should any dates/times be changed, updated information will be posted on the CCVHC website.
The tryout fee $100.00 per registrant. Fees will be paid exclusively online (credit card convenience fees included).
Tuesday, May 7, 2024 (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
Thursday, May 9, 2024 (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
Monday, May 13, 2024 (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
Thursday, May 16, 2024 (6:30 pm - 8:30 pm)
If a player is going to miss all or part of the tryout process you must still complete the online registration and pay the $100.00 tryout fee. The tryout fee is non-refundable.
We realize that Central Catholic High School and other spring sports are in season and that some prospective CCVHC players may have pre-existing obligations. With sufficient advance notice of a pre-existing conflict, Head Coach Bill Connelly will do his best to accommodate registered prospective players when creating groups for specific tryout dates/times. Similarly, please contact Jamie Eller promptly if you are unable to make a tryout session for which your player is scheduled so that he can adjust the skating groups accordingly.
Each Player must register first with USA Hockey and then return to this Registration Session to signup for the 2024-2025 Season.
Please direct any questions regarding this registration to:
Phone: (412) 304-9998
Select an option to continue with the registration.